Il Minimalismo è caratterizzato dall'estrema semplicità e dall'assenza di elementi superflui. Nel Webdesign ciò è usato per Siti Web che sono ricordati dagli utenti per semplicità e design non invadente.
Oggi vogliamo parlarvi di alcuni Consigli per un webdesign minimalista e mostrarvi 59 ottimi esempi.
Minimalism is characterized by extreme simplicity and the absence of unnecessary elements. In Web Design this is used for Websites that are mentioned by users for their simplicity thanks to a non-intrusive design.
Today we want to talk about some Tips for Minimalist Web Design and show you 59 examples of Minimalist Designs.
The choice of the typography for a minimalist design is very important. The fonts choice should preferably be slender and the color in contrast with the background against which they are located.
Example: purista font
Small Dimensions
In a minimalist design the elements should be small (can be the exception!).
The following example shows you the small but useful icons of a side menu.
Clear Design
An other element that is necessary for a Minimalist Design is a very Clear Design. There are 2 ways to do it:
1) Don't use photos as background (following example)
2) Use a photo as background (following example)
For the second way CSS can help you! How to: CSS Large Background
Minimalist Websites Examples